手语翻译根据翻译的题材和场合进行分类,主要包括( )A sign language interpretation can be classified, according to the subject and the occasion of the interpretation, mainly into ( ).
A: 会议和讲座翻译 B电视和演出翻译 C法庭翻译 D以上都是translation of conferences and lectures translation of television and performance C. court translation D. all above are correct
B: 电视和演出翻译 C法庭翻译 D以上都是translation of television and performance court translation D. all above are correct
C: 法庭翻译 D以上都是court translation all above are correct
D: 以上都是all above are correct
A: 会议和讲座翻译 B电视和演出翻译 C法庭翻译 D以上都是translation of conferences and lectures translation of television and performance C. court translation D. all above are correct
B: 电视和演出翻译 C法庭翻译 D以上都是translation of television and performance court translation D. all above are correct
C: 法庭翻译 D以上都是court translation all above are correct
D: 以上都是all above are correct
- Which is the better translation for “汉英翻译” under the context “阅读是外语学习中一个不可或缺的环节,许多人不够重视阅读与汉英翻译的关系”?( ) A: the performance of Chinese-English translation B: Chinese-English translation C: the principle of Chinese-English translation D: the method of Chinese-English translation
- 彼得·纽马克是英国著名的翻译家和翻译理论家。他的第一部著作《翻译问题探讨》出版后立刻引起广泛赞誉。他在书中提出了“Semantic Translation”和“ ”的概念。 A: Literal Translation B: Liberal Translation C: Zero Translation D: Communicative Translation
- 美国翻译理论家尤金·奈达提出的翻译理论核心概念是 。 A: Semantic Translation B: Dynamic equivalence C: Eco-translatology D: Communicative Translation
- The Chinese expression “翻译” can refer to a __________, a translation or the act of translating in different contexts.
- The Chinese term for “translation” is ______. A: 翻译 B: 同传 C: 口译 D: 译者