有价证券(Marketable securities)
- Which of the following would not be classified as a current asset? A: cash B: marketable securities C: receivables D: investments
- Money market securities are sometimes referred to as cash equivalents because _____. A: they are safe and marketable B: they are not liquid C: they are high-risk D: they are low-denomination
- Which of the following current assets will not generate cash in the future? A: prepayments B: accounts receivable C: inventory D: marketable securities
- 有价证券有广义与狭义两种概念。狭义的有价证券即指资本证券,广义的有价证券包括商品证券、货币证券和资本证券。()
- 有价证券有广义与狭义之分,广义的有价证券包括()。 A: 商品证券 B: 货币证券 C: 资本证券 D: 凭证证券