• 2022-06-19
    Selecting which segments of a population to serve is called ________.
    A: market segmentation
    B: positioning
    C: customization
    D: target marketing
  • D


    • 0

      All marketing strategies are based on STP, namely market segmentation, target market selection, and ( ). A: positioning B: product C: plan D: sales promotion

    • 1

      Effective target marketing requires marketers to succeed in the market through market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning.

    • 2

      The customer-driven marketing strategy involves four steps: market segmentation, market targeting, positioning, and differentiation.

    • 3

      ( )is<br/>useful basis for global market segmentation and target marketing A: Economic System B: Political System C: Stages of market development D: Stages of technology development

    • 4

      Setting the competitive positioning for the product and creating a detailed marketing mix is called target marketing.