• 2022-06-15
    Translate the following message into English.你方3月10日订购500台绒绒编织机的传真收悉。我们已即刻与厂家取得了联系,但由于该货销路甚佳,已接的订货太多,况且原料紧缺,他们婉言拒绝。经过我方再三努力磋商,厂方答应接受订货,从明年1月起每月交100台。我们知道你方急需此货,不知上述交货时间你们是否同意?目前我们正在和其他地方的制造厂联系,若有好消息,当即告知。与此同时,我们附上我方目前可供货物的目录及价格表供你方参考,如有兴趣请即告知,我们自迅速办理。
  • We are pleased to have received your Order by fax dated March 10th for 500 sets of knitting machinery.We have immediately contacted the manufacturer. But they refused our request since the machine sells well, and there is a great shortage of raw materials and still a large number of orders. After our repeated negotiations, they finally promised to accept the order and to make delivery of 100 sets each month, beginning from next January.We are aware that you are in urgent need of the products, but uncertain whether you will agree on the above delivery date. We are making contact with manufacturers elsewhere and will let you know as soon as there are any favourable news. Meanwhile, we are enclosing our catalogue covering all the articles available at present. If you are interested in any of the items, please inform us. We will surely give prompt attention to your requirement.



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      “××公司:你方10日传真收悉。你方条件我方接受,但请降价10%,可否即复。(签章)”这份传真是( )

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      “XX公司:你方10日传真收悉。你方条件我方接受,但请降价10%,可否即复”。这份传真是一个( )

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      Please translate the following sentences into English.1.因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。2. 我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品。3. 滋谈及你放一十月四日的来信,很高兴通知你方我们已接受你方1000台闹钟的订单。4.我方确认接受你方订购5公吨新椒干,每公吨C&amp;F伦敦价80英镑,5月装船。5. 兹附寄第345号销售合同书一式两份,请签退一份以便存档。

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      If your company insists on your price, we will have to turn to other suppliers for the goods. A: 假如贵公司要调整价格,请及早告知我们,以便另做安排。 B: 假如贵公司提高价格,我们不得不从其他地方另寻货源。 C: 如果贵公司不给折扣价,我们不得不采取其他方式购货。 D: 如果贵公司坚持你方报价,我方只能找其他供应商供货。