• 2022-06-07
    Selling deposits that usually sets low prices and fees initially to encourage customers to open an account and then raises prices and fees later on, this method of deposit pricing is ( )。
    A: Market penetration deposit pricing
    B: Conditional Pricing
    C: Relationship pricing
    D: Pricing Deposits at Cost Plus Profit Margin
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following is the most elementary pricing method? A: value pricing B: going-rate pricing C: markup pricing D: target-return pricing E: perceived-value pricing

    • 1

      A movie in the theatre is likely to use all of the following except which? A: Discriminatory Pricing B: Tiered Pricing C: Psychological Pricing D: Penetration Pricing

    • 2

      f the supply of a good in a market is limited, a company may follow a _____ approach to maximize revenue and to match demand to supply. A: penetration pricing B: psychological pricing C: full-cost pricing D: price skimming E: variable-cost pricing

    • 3

      Which of the following is a definition of the Market Skimming pricing strategy? A: Add a profit margin to the total cost of producing the item B: Add a profit margin to the marginal cost of producing the item C: Set a high price initially then lower gradually to increase demand D: Set a low price initially to get a large market share, increase later

    • 4

      Prestige pricing sets prices artificially high to foster the impression of a high-quality product.