• 2022-06-04 问题



  • 2022-06-19 问题

    从前,有一个名叫祝英台(Zhu Yingtai)的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载,她爱上了同窗好友梁山伯(Liang Shanbo),但梁山伯始终不知祝英台是女儿身。当山伯得知英台真相后,便向祝家提亲,却遭其父断然拒绝。梁山伯伤心欲绝、悲愤离世,而祝英台被迫接受家里包办的婚事。出嫁那天,花轿(bridal sedan chair, bridal palanquin)经过梁山伯的坟墓,祝英台下轿到墓前恸哭(wail)。突然,狂风雷电大作,梁山伯的坟墓随之裂开,祝英台趁机投入坟中。过了一会儿,只见坟中飞出一对彩蝶、双双翩然离去。

    从前,有一个名叫祝英台(Zhu Yingtai)的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载,她爱上了同窗好友梁山伯(Liang Shanbo),但梁山伯始终不知祝英台是女儿身。当山伯得知英台真相后,便向祝家提亲,却遭其父断然拒绝。梁山伯伤心欲绝、悲愤离世,而祝英台被迫接受家里包办的婚事。出嫁那天,花轿(bridal sedan chair, bridal palanquin)经过梁山伯的坟墓,祝英台下轿到墓前恸哭(wail)。突然,狂风雷电大作,梁山伯的坟墓随之裂开,祝英台趁机投入坟中。过了一会儿,只见坟中飞出一对彩蝶、双双翩然离去。

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    阅读一:Those who dream of the pleasures of drinking at night, may wail (恸哭) and weep in the morning; those who dream of wailing and weeping at night, may be going out to hunt in the morning. When they are dreaming they do not know they are dreaming; in their dreams they may even have tried to predict and interpret their own fates; but when they awake they know that they have had dreams. And there is the great awaking, after which we shall know that this life is a great dream. Indeed, only the truly enlightened persons realize that life is just one big dream. And then there are those stupid ones who think that they are the enlightened ones. Only those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened. But the stupid ones always believe that they are enlightened and that is why in the end, they are stupid.(Adapted from James Legge’s The Chuang Tzu, p.35)阅读一(2)What’s the main implication of this fable? A: The stupid ones always enjoy their dreams. B: There is no one who can know everything. C: Dream is equal for the enlightened and stupid people. D: Those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened.

    阅读一:Those who dream of the pleasures of drinking at night, may wail (恸哭) and weep in the morning; those who dream of wailing and weeping at night, may be going out to hunt in the morning. When they are dreaming they do not know they are dreaming; in their dreams they may even have tried to predict and interpret their own fates; but when they awake they know that they have had dreams. And there is the great awaking, after which we shall know that this life is a great dream. Indeed, only the truly enlightened persons realize that life is just one big dream. And then there are those stupid ones who think that they are the enlightened ones. Only those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened. But the stupid ones always believe that they are enlightened and that is why in the end, they are stupid.(Adapted from James Legge’s The Chuang Tzu, p.35)阅读一(2)What’s the main implication of this fable? A: The stupid ones always enjoy their dreams. B: There is no one who can know everything. C: Dream is equal for the enlightened and stupid people. D: Those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened.

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    阅读一:Those who dream of the pleasures of drinking at night, may wail (恸哭) and weep in the morning; those who dream of wailing and weeping at night, may be going out to hunt in the morning. When they are dreaming they do not know they are dreaming; in their dreams they may even have tried to predict and interpret their own fates; but when they awake they know that they have had dreams. And there is the great awaking, after which we shall know that this life is a great dream. Indeed, only the truly enlightened persons realize that life is just one big dream. And then there are those stupid ones who think that they are the enlightened ones. Only those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened. But the stupid ones always believe that they are enlightened and that is why in the end, they are stupid.(Adapted from James Legge’s The Chuang Tzu, p.35)阅读一(1)Which one of following statements is Not correct about this fable? A: People in their dreams might try to interpret their fates. B: When people are dreaming they always know they are in dreams. C: People may be quite different in the morning compared to what they have dreamed at night. D: When people are awake, they realize that they have had dreams.

    阅读一:Those who dream of the pleasures of drinking at night, may wail (恸哭) and weep in the morning; those who dream of wailing and weeping at night, may be going out to hunt in the morning. When they are dreaming they do not know they are dreaming; in their dreams they may even have tried to predict and interpret their own fates; but when they awake they know that they have had dreams. And there is the great awaking, after which we shall know that this life is a great dream. Indeed, only the truly enlightened persons realize that life is just one big dream. And then there are those stupid ones who think that they are the enlightened ones. Only those who have great doubts can be truly enlightened. But the stupid ones always believe that they are enlightened and that is why in the end, they are stupid.(Adapted from James Legge’s The Chuang Tzu, p.35)阅读一(1)Which one of following statements is Not correct about this fable? A: People in their dreams might try to interpret their fates. B: When people are dreaming they always know they are in dreams. C: People may be quite different in the morning compared to what they have dreamed at night. D: When people are awake, they realize that they have had dreams.

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