• 2021-04-14 问题

    How many biological children do Carolyn and Kiel have ?

    How many biological children do Carolyn and Kiel have ?

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Carolyn Turk works in a profession that has traditionally been a career for women.

    Carolyn Turk works in a profession that has traditionally been a career for women.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Carolyn sees solutions to problems as being(). A: a long-term benefit for an individual company B: a blueprint for a range of companies. C: a source of temporary value.

    Carolyn sees solutions to problems as being(). A: a long-term benefit for an individual company B: a blueprint for a range of companies. C: a source of temporary value.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    How does Carolyn describe her consultancy?() A: It aims to help companies of a particular size. B: It offers advice and practical assistance. C: It concentrates on certain specialities.

    How does Carolyn describe her consultancy?() A: It aims to help companies of a particular size. B: It offers advice and practical assistance. C: It concentrates on certain specialities.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Why did Carolyn set up her own consultancy?() A: She wanted to work independently B: She wanted to work on a greater variety of projects. C: She felt she could do better than the company she worked for

    Why did Carolyn set up her own consultancy?() A: She wanted to work independently B: She wanted to work on a greater variety of projects. C: She felt she could do better than the company she worked for

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Why did Carolyn decide to bake cookies A: [A] She loved cookies and wanted to eat them. B: She decided to bake them for her children to keep them quiet. C: She was going to sell them at the school bake sale.

    Why did Carolyn decide to bake cookies A: [A] She loved cookies and wanted to eat them. B: She decided to bake them for her children to keep them quiet. C: She was going to sell them at the school bake sale.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What is Carolyn's approach to organising the work of the consultants?() A: She puts together people with strengths in different fields. B: She forms teams on the basis of how well people work together C: She ensures each consultant can deal with a wide range of issues.

    What is Carolyn's approach to organising the work of the consultants?() A: She puts together people with strengths in different fields. B: She forms teams on the basis of how well people work together C: She ensures each consultant can deal with a wide range of issues.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    CarolynTwietmeyerlayinanAddisAbabahospitalbedinJuly2008,holding11-yearoldSelah,whohadbeenherdaughterforonlyafewweeks.Swattingbitinginsectsthatswarmedthroughthewindow,shelistenedasdoctorssaidtherewaslittlehopeforherchild:SelahhadAIDS,weighedmere32pounds,andhadlongbeendeniedbloodtransfusionsduetolimitedsupply.WithCarolyn’sbloodnowpumingthroughthegirl’sbody,sheprayedSelahwouldbewellenoughtoboardaplanetotheTwietmeyers’homeintheChicagosuburbs. Luckmayhaveplayedapart,butTwietmeyer’sdeterminationmadeadifferenceinSelah’slife–she’snowanenergetic13yearoldgirl---asithasdoneforCarolynandherhusbandKiel’s12otherkids,aged4to21.Withsevenbiologicalchildrenandsixadopted(twoofwhomhaveHiV),Carolyn,40,andKiel,35,presideoverasomewhatunwieldybutobviouslylovingclan. In2006,TheTwietmeyersfoundedProjectHopeful,anonprofitthat,sofar,hashelpedplaceorphans,manywithHIV,with180familiesintheUS.ShaneandDianeLewis,ofCrownPoint,Illinois,workedwithProjectHopefultoadoptfourdaughers,aged6to8,whoareallHIVpositive.“Carolynisalwaysavailablewithanswersorencouragement,”saysShane“Adoptingachildwithseriousmedicalneedsisnoteasy,”headds“Yourcommitmentwillbetested,butit’sabsolutelyworthit” TheTwietmeyersalsofeelthechallenges.Kiel’s$64000salaryisstretchedthinandCarolynrisesat4:00am.topreparemealsandlessonplans.Butthehappiness,theysay,faroutweighsthecosts.Oneevening,12ofthekidsstageabreak-dancecontestinthefamilyroom.Watchingthemcollapseintoapileofgigglesandshrieks,CarolyncatchesKiel’seyesandsmiles.Wearenotwealthy.Shesays..“Butwefeelrich.”

    CarolynTwietmeyerlayinanAddisAbabahospitalbedinJuly2008,holding11-yearoldSelah,whohadbeenherdaughterforonlyafewweeks.Swattingbitinginsectsthatswarmedthroughthewindow,shelistenedasdoctorssaidtherewaslittlehopeforherchild:SelahhadAIDS,weighedmere32pounds,andhadlongbeendeniedbloodtransfusionsduetolimitedsupply.WithCarolyn’sbloodnowpumingthroughthegirl’sbody,sheprayedSelahwouldbewellenoughtoboardaplanetotheTwietmeyers’homeintheChicagosuburbs. Luckmayhaveplayedapart,butTwietmeyer’sdeterminationmadeadifferenceinSelah’slife–she’snowanenergetic13yearoldgirl---asithasdoneforCarolynandherhusbandKiel’s12otherkids,aged4to21.Withsevenbiologicalchildrenandsixadopted(twoofwhomhaveHiV),Carolyn,40,andKiel,35,presideoverasomewhatunwieldybutobviouslylovingclan. In2006,TheTwietmeyersfoundedProjectHopeful,anonprofitthat,sofar,hashelpedplaceorphans,manywithHIV,with180familiesintheUS.ShaneandDianeLewis,ofCrownPoint,Illinois,workedwithProjectHopefultoadoptfourdaughers,aged6to8,whoareallHIVpositive.“Carolynisalwaysavailablewithanswersorencouragement,”saysShane“Adoptingachildwithseriousmedicalneedsisnoteasy,”headds“Yourcommitmentwillbetested,butit’sabsolutelyworthit” TheTwietmeyersalsofeelthechallenges.Kiel’s$64000salaryisstretchedthinandCarolynrisesat4:00am.topreparemealsandlessonplans.Butthehappiness,theysay,faroutweighsthecosts.Oneevening,12ofthekidsstageabreak-dancecontestinthefamilyroom.Watchingthemcollapseintoapileofgigglesandshrieks,CarolyncatchesKiel’seyesandsmiles.Wearenotwealthy.Shesays..“Butwefeelrich.”

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    complete the letter with key words and phrases in Unit 6(hybrid imply flexible cultural panic premisemechanical stumble into not know the first thing about when it comes to at a disadvantage grit one's teeth ) Isn't it strange how chance can play such a large part in what we become? If Carolyn hadn't (1) that engineering course. she would never have become an engineer At the time she did (2) anything(3). But(4) hard work, she is no slacker. She threw herself into study and joined in the project to make a (5) vehicle. She admits that she often found studying math difficult, but she (6) and got on with it, working on the (7) that math is a hard subject for most people. Girls, she argues, are no more (8)in this respect than boys. Nonetheless, she still had moments of (9)when she found making progress particularly difficult. Carolyn concludes that we should not allow (10) expectations to limit our horizons, for we are far more (11) in what we can achieve than they would imply(12).

    complete the letter with key words and phrases in Unit 6(hybrid imply flexible cultural panic premisemechanical stumble into not know the first thing about when it comes to at a disadvantage grit one's teeth ) Isn't it strange how chance can play such a large part in what we become? If Carolyn hadn't (1) that engineering course. she would never have become an engineer At the time she did (2) anything(3). But(4) hard work, she is no slacker. She threw herself into study and joined in the project to make a (5) vehicle. She admits that she often found studying math difficult, but she (6) and got on with it, working on the (7) that math is a hard subject for most people. Girls, she argues, are no more (8)in this respect than boys. Nonetheless, she still had moments of (9)when she found making progress particularly difficult. Carolyn concludes that we should not allow (10) expectations to limit our horizons, for we are far more (11) in what we can achieve than they would imply(12).

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    认为中国人谈判行为的特点:(1)注重原则,轻视细节;(2)注重“意向性”协议;(3)注重对方的威望和名声;(4)善用拖延战术;(5)反对妥协而喜欢强调共同利益;(6)合同的签订是双方维持长期关系的开始等的是() A: 英国的比尔·斯科特 B: 美国的卢西恩·派伊 C: 美国的Scoot·D·Seligman D: 澳大利亚的Carolyn Blackman

    认为中国人谈判行为的特点:(1)注重原则,轻视细节;(2)注重“意向性”协议;(3)注重对方的威望和名声;(4)善用拖延战术;(5)反对妥协而喜欢强调共同利益;(6)合同的签订是双方维持长期关系的开始等的是() A: 英国的比尔·斯科特 B: 美国的卢西恩·派伊 C: 美国的Scoot·D·Seligman D: 澳大利亚的Carolyn Blackman

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