• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Si Ma Xiang Ru from “Zhuo Wen Jun” has “Suan Qi”

    Si Ma Xiang Ru from “Zhuo Wen Jun” has “Suan Qi”

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    Zhuo grew up in a small village. Many people in his village were not very well-educated, as only(1)________ from his village went to high school. Zhuo's life changed when(2)_________ introduced him to hip-hop. He practised whenever and(3)__________ he could. The first time he left his hometown was to enter(4)_________.

    Zhuo grew up in a small village. Many people in his village were not very well-educated, as only(1)________ from his village went to high school. Zhuo's life changed when(2)_________ introduced him to hip-hop. He practised whenever and(3)__________ he could. The first time he left his hometown was to enter(4)_________.

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Sima Xiangru made friends with ___________ after he became a guest scholar at the court of Liu Wu, Prince of Liang, Emperor Jing's younger brother. A: Mei Sheng (枚乘) B: Zou Yang (邹阳) C: Zhuang Ji (庄忌) D: Zhuo Wenjun (卓文君)

    Sima Xiangru made friends with ___________ after he became a guest scholar at the court of Liu Wu, Prince of Liang, Emperor Jing's younger brother. A: Mei Sheng (枚乘) B: Zou Yang (邹阳) C: Zhuang Ji (庄忌) D: Zhuo Wenjun (卓文君)

  • 2022-06-26 问题

    给下面短文加上标点,并译成现代汉语。 孟子曰無或乎王之不智也雖有天下易生之物也•日暴(pCi)之T•日寒之未有能生者 也吾見亦罕矣吾退而寒之者至矣吾如有萌焉何哉今夫奕之爲數小數也不專心致志則不 得也奕秋通國之善奕者也使奕秋誨二人奕其一人専心致志惟奕秋之爲聽一人雖聽之一 心以爲有鴻鵠將至思援弓繳(zhuo)而射之雖與之俱學弗若之矣爲是其智弗若與曰非然 也(《孟子,告子上》)

    给下面短文加上标点,并译成现代汉语。 孟子曰無或乎王之不智也雖有天下易生之物也•日暴(pCi)之T•日寒之未有能生者 也吾見亦罕矣吾退而寒之者至矣吾如有萌焉何哉今夫奕之爲數小數也不專心致志則不 得也奕秋通國之善奕者也使奕秋誨二人奕其一人専心致志惟奕秋之爲聽一人雖聽之一 心以爲有鴻鵠將至思援弓繳(zhuo)而射之雖與之俱學弗若之矣爲是其智弗若與曰非然 也(《孟子,告子上》)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    2) Advice for the business meals with Chinese customers The Chinese have a saying, “Fan zhuo shang bu tan sheng yi,” which means “Don’t talk about business at the dinner table.” That might not seem logical when we are talking about business meals, but another saying, “Fan chi hao le, sheng yi ye jiu hao le,” which means “Business can be easily done if you treat them to a good meal,” makes it clear. A Chinese business meal is mostly a social affair ------ any talk of business will not start until long after the meal has begun, or is sometimes left for the end. Naturally, not too many negotiations are finished or contracts signed during this time, but you can still use the opportunity to strengthen your relationship, present your business or deal with various problems. The social aspect is important when doing business in China. Many business people and customers don’t feel confident about working together until they know each other. Business meals can be large or small, formal or informal, and the way a meal is organized will show ow individuals prefer to do things. One thing is for certain: most hosts will want to impress their guest with lots of food and plenty of good rice wine.

    2) Advice for the business meals with Chinese customers The Chinese have a saying, “Fan zhuo shang bu tan sheng yi,” which means “Don’t talk about business at the dinner table.” That might not seem logical when we are talking about business meals, but another saying, “Fan chi hao le, sheng yi ye jiu hao le,” which means “Business can be easily done if you treat them to a good meal,” makes it clear. A Chinese business meal is mostly a social affair ------ any talk of business will not start until long after the meal has begun, or is sometimes left for the end. Naturally, not too many negotiations are finished or contracts signed during this time, but you can still use the opportunity to strengthen your relationship, present your business or deal with various problems. The social aspect is important when doing business in China. Many business people and customers don’t feel confident about working together until they know each other. Business meals can be large or small, formal or informal, and the way a meal is organized will show ow individuals prefer to do things. One thing is for certain: most hosts will want to impress their guest with lots of food and plenty of good rice wine.

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    而且说(   )明邪?是淫于色也;说聪邪?是淫于声也;说仁邪?是乱于德也;说义邪?是悖(   )于理也;说礼邪?是相于技也;说乐邪?是相于淫也;说圣邪?是相于艺也;说知邪?是相于疵(  )也。天下将安其性命之情,之八者,存可也,亡可也;乃始脔(   )卷獊(   )囊而乱天下也。而天下乃始尊之惜之,甚矣天下之惑也!岂直过也而去之邪!乃齐戒以言之,跪坐以进之,鼓歌以儛之,吾若是何哉!故君子不得已而临莅(   )天下,莫若无为。无为也而后安其性命之情。故曰;“贵以身为天下,则可以讬天下;爱以身为天下,则可以寄天下。”故君子苟能无解其五藏,无擢(   )其聪明;尸居而龙见(   ),渊默而雷声,神动而天随,从容无为而万物炊累焉。吾又何暇治天下哉? A: yue(四声) B: bei(四声) C: ci(一声) D: luan(二声) E: cang(一声) F: pu(二声) G: zhuo(二声) H: xian(四声)

    而且说(   )明邪?是淫于色也;说聪邪?是淫于声也;说仁邪?是乱于德也;说义邪?是悖(   )于理也;说礼邪?是相于技也;说乐邪?是相于淫也;说圣邪?是相于艺也;说知邪?是相于疵(  )也。天下将安其性命之情,之八者,存可也,亡可也;乃始脔(   )卷獊(   )囊而乱天下也。而天下乃始尊之惜之,甚矣天下之惑也!岂直过也而去之邪!乃齐戒以言之,跪坐以进之,鼓歌以儛之,吾若是何哉!故君子不得已而临莅(   )天下,莫若无为。无为也而后安其性命之情。故曰;“贵以身为天下,则可以讬天下;爱以身为天下,则可以寄天下。”故君子苟能无解其五藏,无擢(   )其聪明;尸居而龙见(   ),渊默而雷声,神动而天随,从容无为而万物炊累焉。吾又何暇治天下哉? A: yue(四声) B: bei(四声) C: ci(一声) D: luan(二声) E: cang(一声) F: pu(二声) G: zhuo(二声) H: xian(四声)

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