• 2022-06-07 问题

    What is Susan Grey A: Because Jone has a rough case. B: Because Jone’s case is difficult to deal with. C: Because Jones has lost the case. D: Because Jone’s is very tough.

    What is Susan Grey A: Because Jone has a rough case. B: Because Jone’s case is difficult to deal with. C: Because Jones has lost the case. D: Because Jone’s is very tough.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    How many ______ are there in your neighborhood A: Jones' B: Joneses C: Jone's D: Jonese

    How many ______ are there in your neighborhood A: Jones' B: Joneses C: Jone's D: Jonese

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Zhao Jie offers Jone some ___________ for the interview. A: money B: magazines C: tips D: None of the above

    Zhao Jie offers Jone some ___________ for the interview. A: money B: magazines C: tips D: None of the above

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Jone is the teacher of our college and he______ English in the college almost for 3 years. A: has taught B: teaches C: taught D: will teach

    Jone is the teacher of our college and he______ English in the college almost for 3 years. A: has taught B: teaches C: taught D: will teach

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar(). A: Jacob Grimm B: Rasmus Rask C: Franz Bopp D: Sir William Jone

    The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar(). A: Jacob Grimm B: Rasmus Rask C: Franz Bopp D: Sir William Jone

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    ”中文屋“是哪一位科学家提出来的? A: 内德-布洛克(Ned Block) B: 约翰-塞尔(Jone Searle) C: 艾伦-图灵(Alan Turning) D: 拉斐尔(Raphael)

    ”中文屋“是哪一位科学家提出来的? A: 内德-布洛克(Ned Block) B: 约翰-塞尔(Jone Searle) C: 艾伦-图灵(Alan Turning) D: 拉斐尔(Raphael)

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Peter: I hear your parents are coming for a visit. Jone: ______ A: My mother is. B: My father won't come. C: My parents haven't been here before. D: They'll visit us.

    Peter: I hear your parents are coming for a visit. Jone: ______ A: My mother is. B: My father won't come. C: My parents haven't been here before. D: They'll visit us.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Lesson 9 Dialogue 5:Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for the following question.What did he do? A: a. He went to see a film. B: b. He went to visit his friend Jone Judge. C: c. He did nothing at home.

    Lesson 9 Dialogue 5:Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for the following question.What did he do? A: a. He went to see a film. B: b. He went to visit his friend Jone Judge. C: c. He did nothing at home.

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-05-29 问题

    下属:嗨,老板,我刚听说又要更换颜色,那么我们刚持续生产了30吨,又要把设备拆洗一遍,我和伙计们都不情愿 老板:Jone,你和你的伙计们最好别忘了谁在这儿说了算。该做什么就做什么,别再抱怨了! 下属:我们不会忘掉这事儿的! 这里,老板的听属于哪种类型

    下属:嗨,老板,我刚听说又要更换颜色,那么我们刚持续生产了30吨,又要把设备拆洗一遍,我和伙计们都不情愿 老板:Jone,你和你的伙计们最好别忘了谁在这儿说了算。该做什么就做什么,别再抱怨了! 下属:我们不会忘掉这事儿的! 这里,老板的听属于哪种类型

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