设计元件封装时,封装的图形及文字符号一般应该放置在哪个层: A: Keep Out Laye B: TOP Laye C: Top Over Laye D: Bottom Laye
设计元件封装时,封装的图形及文字符号一般应该放置在哪个层: A: Keep Out Laye B: TOP Laye C: Top Over Laye D: Bottom Laye
下列层中,哪个在 PCB 中没有电气意义( ) A: Topover Laye B: Bottom Laye C: Top Laye D: Power Plane
下列层中,哪个在 PCB 中没有电气意义( ) A: Topover Laye B: Bottom Laye C: Top Laye D: Power Plane
下列层中,哪个在 PCB 中没有电气意义(0.6) A: Power Plane B: Top Laye C: Bottom Laye D: Topover Laye
下列层中,哪个在 PCB 中没有电气意义(0.6) A: Power Plane B: Top Laye C: Bottom Laye D: Topover Laye
绘制音乐芯片封装库文件时,绘制芯片边框需要切换至哪一板层? A: Top Laye B: TopOver Laye C: Bottom Laye
绘制音乐芯片封装库文件时,绘制芯片边框需要切换至哪一板层? A: Top Laye B: TopOver Laye C: Bottom Laye
设计PCB元件时,元件的外形轮廓绘制在(0.6) A: Multi laye B: Top Overlaye C: TopLaye D: Bottom Laye
设计PCB元件时,元件的外形轮廓绘制在(0.6) A: Multi laye B: Top Overlaye C: TopLaye D: Bottom Laye
a sheet of glass A: laye B: pane C: piece of pape D: edclothes
a sheet of glass A: laye B: pane C: piece of pape D: edclothes
板层的英文名称为() A: footprint B: laye C: vi D: pad
板层的英文名称为() A: footprint B: laye C: vi D: pad
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice. A: laye B: pane C: piece of pape D: edclothes
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice. A: laye B: pane C: piece of pape D: edclothes
You can make photos you take on your phone look nice by adding a ______. ( A: laye B: filte C: screen D: melody
You can make photos you take on your phone look nice by adding a ______. ( A: laye B: filte C: screen D: melody
You are ready to send a E-mail to your friend who is far from you.Which protocol will you choose to send your E-mail on the transport laye A: TCP B: UDP
You are ready to send a E-mail to your friend who is far from you.Which protocol will you choose to send your E-mail on the transport laye A: TCP B: UDP