• 2022-05-31 问题

    刚开始公众对于李子柒在国外受欢迎感到惊讶,很快他们就明白了。 A: The public is surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon get it. B: The public is surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it. C: The public was surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it. D: The public had been surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it.

    刚开始公众对于李子柒在国外受欢迎感到惊讶,很快他们就明白了。 A: The public is surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon get it. B: The public is surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it. C: The public was surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it. D: The public had been surprised at Li Ziqi's popularity overseas at first and they soon got it.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Who is the soul mate of Boya? A: Zhong Ziqi B: Shi Kuang C: Ruan Ji D: Shi Juan

    Who is the soul mate of Boya? A: Zhong Ziqi B: Shi Kuang C: Ruan Ji D: Shi Juan

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    钟子期亡故,俞伯牙认为世上再不会有人像钟子期一样能欣赏他的演奏了。所以他就摔碎自己的古琴,从此不再弹琴了。 A: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqi; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since. B: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqing; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since.

    钟子期亡故,俞伯牙认为世上再不会有人像钟子期一样能欣赏他的演奏了。所以他就摔碎自己的古琴,从此不再弹琴了。 A: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqi; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since. B: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqing; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since.

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