What’s the social background in Jane Austen’s time? A: late Regency England B: the soon begining of Victorian Age C: Men as dominant force D: Women is passive
What’s the social background in Jane Austen’s time? A: late Regency England B: the soon begining of Victorian Age C: Men as dominant force D: Women is passive
Which statements about Jane Austen are TRUE? A: Jane Austen wrote six novels during the Regency period. B: Jane Austen was an American novelist. C: Jane Austen is an English novelist whose works are notable for their social observation and insights into the lives of women in the early 18th century. D: In Austen’s time, married women had no rights over their property.
Which statements about Jane Austen are TRUE? A: Jane Austen wrote six novels during the Regency period. B: Jane Austen was an American novelist. C: Jane Austen is an English novelist whose works are notable for their social observation and insights into the lives of women in the early 18th century. D: In Austen’s time, married women had no rights over their property.
讯息结构主要是决定讯息的安排方式,下列对于讯息结构安排方式的叙述,何者为非? A: 结论安排:广告是否替目标视听众作结论或由视听众自己作结论,主要视目标顾客之智商、主题复杂性与传播者可信度而定。 B: 单面论证是只讲优点不讲缺点;而双面论证是优缺点都讲,而且优点与缺点参半。 C: 表达顺序:主张主要效果(PRIMARY EFFECT)的学者认为,以放前面所产生的冲击较大;但主张崭新效果(REGENCY EFFECT)的学者则认为,以放后面产生的冲击较大。 D: 重复性:主要是为强化目标顾客对资讯的记忆,不过,需要注意重复太多可能会造成过分学习(OVER-LEARN),而使目标视听众降低其注意力。
讯息结构主要是决定讯息的安排方式,下列对于讯息结构安排方式的叙述,何者为非? A: 结论安排:广告是否替目标视听众作结论或由视听众自己作结论,主要视目标顾客之智商、主题复杂性与传播者可信度而定。 B: 单面论证是只讲优点不讲缺点;而双面论证是优缺点都讲,而且优点与缺点参半。 C: 表达顺序:主张主要效果(PRIMARY EFFECT)的学者认为,以放前面所产生的冲击较大;但主张崭新效果(REGENCY EFFECT)的学者则认为,以放后面产生的冲击较大。 D: 重复性:主要是为强化目标顾客对资讯的记忆,不过,需要注意重复太多可能会造成过分学习(OVER-LEARN),而使目标视听众降低其注意力。