• 2022-06-15 问题



  • 2022-05-27 问题

    利他行为理论中的生物学理论的代表人物是(). A: 谢利夫( B: Sheri威尔逊(Wilson) C: 达利(Darley) D: 班杜拉( E: Bandur F:

    利他行为理论中的生物学理论的代表人物是(). A: 谢利夫( B: Sheri威尔逊(Wilson) C: 达利(Darley) D: 班杜拉( E: Bandur F:

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    利他行为理论中的生物学理论的代表人物是(). A: 谢利夫( B: Sheri C: D: 威尔逊( E: F: Wilson) G: 达利( H: I: Darley) J: 班杜拉( K: Bandur L:

    利他行为理论中的生物学理论的代表人物是(). A: 谢利夫( B: Sheri C: D: 威尔逊( E: F: Wilson) G: 达利( H: I: Darley) J: 班杜拉( K: Bandur L:

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    助人行为的决策过程理论是由()提出来的。 A: 马斯洛 B: 拉塔内( C: Latan D: 和达利( E: F: Darley) G: 谢利夫( H: Sheri I: J: 班杜拉( K: Bandur L:

    助人行为的决策过程理论是由()提出来的。 A: 马斯洛 B: 拉塔内( C: Latan D: 和达利( E: F: Darley) G: 谢利夫( H: Sheri I: J: 班杜拉( K: Bandur L:

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Latane和Darley在旁观者效应实验中:( ) A: 并没有使用欺骗的操作。 B: 考察了被试在旁观者人数不同时决定为他人提供帮助所需的时间 C: 分析了癫痫与旁观者效应之间的关系。 D: 使用了面对面小组讨论的操作。

    Latane和Darley在旁观者效应实验中:( ) A: 并没有使用欺骗的操作。 B: 考察了被试在旁观者人数不同时决定为他人提供帮助所需的时间 C: 分析了癫痫与旁观者效应之间的关系。 D: 使用了面对面小组讨论的操作。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    </p> </p> In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho, and was attacked by robbers and was lying half dead at the side of the road. A priest and a temple assistant each passed the man, but did not help. Finally, a Samaritan stopped to offer his assistance, and took the man to an inn, and took care of him. According to the results from Darley and Batson, why might the priest and temple assistant each pass the man without helping him?</p> </p>

    </p> </p> In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho, and was attacked by robbers and was lying half dead at the side of the road. A priest and a temple assistant each passed the man, but did not help. Finally, a Samaritan stopped to offer his assistance, and took the man to an inn, and took care of him. According to the results from Darley and Batson, why might the priest and temple assistant each pass the man without helping him?</p> </p>

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