• 2021-04-14 问题

    在中国农历新年的第一天,习近平主席亲自作出指挥部署,向疫情全面宣战。中国政府迅速建立起联防联控的举国体制,李克强总理亲赴武汉指导抗疫。从中央到地方,从城市到农村,我们以壮士断腕的决心,果断采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的举措迎击疫情。 On the very day of the 1 , President Xi Jinping personally chaired a meeting to direct the outbreak response, 2 an all-out war on the epidemic. The government promptly established a 3 of comprehensive, inter-agency response. Premier Li Keqiang went to Wuhan, the 4 of the outbreak, to inspect epidemic control efforts. From the central government to local governments, from urban to 5 areas, the whole nation is battling the epidemic with 6 and self-sacrifice. Nothing short of the most comprehensive, rigorous and 7 measures have been taken. A. national framework B. resolve C. declaring D. thorough-going E. epicenter F. lunar new year G. rural

    在中国农历新年的第一天,习近平主席亲自作出指挥部署,向疫情全面宣战。中国政府迅速建立起联防联控的举国体制,李克强总理亲赴武汉指导抗疫。从中央到地方,从城市到农村,我们以壮士断腕的决心,果断采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的举措迎击疫情。 On the very day of the 1 , President Xi Jinping personally chaired a meeting to direct the outbreak response, 2 an all-out war on the epidemic. The government promptly established a 3 of comprehensive, inter-agency response. Premier Li Keqiang went to Wuhan, the 4 of the outbreak, to inspect epidemic control efforts. From the central government to local governments, from urban to 5 areas, the whole nation is battling the epidemic with 6 and self-sacrifice. Nothing short of the most comprehensive, rigorous and 7 measures have been taken. A. national framework B. resolve C. declaring D. thorough-going E. epicenter F. lunar new year G. rural

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