• 2021-04-14
    The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends together to produce its response to the wants of its target market are called its _____.
  • marketing mix


    • 0

      A firm in a perfectly competitive market will tend to expand its output as long as: A: its marginal revenue is positive. B: the market price is greater than the marginal cost. C: its marginal revenue is greater than the market price.

    • 1

      Through concentrated marketing, a firm achieves a strong market position because of its greater knowledge of consumer needs in the niches it serves and the special reputation it acquires.

    • 2

      The purpose of the benefits system of ABC Company is to . A: encourage its employees to work overtime B: get its employees out of the office C: develop its unique marketing strategies D: increase its overseas market share

    • 3

      If a firm in a perfectly competitive market tries to raise its price above the going market price, then:

    • 4

      When an individual firm in a competitive market increases its production, it is likely that the market price will fall.