• 2022-05-28
    A child of five is friendly, competent and obedient, although he may be bossy with other children and is sometimes sufficiently independent to call his mother names. He is still dependent on adult approval and praise, and so orientated (对……感兴趣) to the grown-up that he tells tales without seeing the other child’s point of view. There is no real discussion yet fives talking together indulge in a "collective monologue (独白)"; quarrelling with words often begins towards the end of the year. Group play is often disrupted because everyone wants to be the mother or the bride or the captain of the fire brigade. Each child has an urgent need for constantly recurring (反复的) contact with an adult in spite of all his efforts to be independent. In his unsureness he may make statements about his own cleverness and beauty, hoping that the adult will praise him: this is not conceit but a cry for reassurance. He loves to say "Watch what I can do." Reality and fantasy are still intermingled and this confusion may lead him to elaborate on facts. The passage points out that when everyone wants to be the mother or the bride, group play is often ()
    A: broken up
    B: spoiled
    C: interrupted
    D: halted for a moment
  • A



    • 0

      Q 2 When the parent took his child to his place of business, what could he let the child watch? He could let his child watch him repairing a car or ________________

    • 1

      When the author has lunch at home, () A: he is together with all the family B: he is together with his friends C: he is alone with his mother D: he is together with his mother, sister and brother

    • 2

      1) When the speaker was a little boy, he often fell out of ________ and off his _________ . When he got hurt, his mother would wipe away his ________ ._

    • 3

      During his work on child protection, he often acts as a _______ (mediator) between parents and children, making the parents know what they can do and what they cannot do.

    • 4

      He often helps his mother do the housework ________ A: , B: : C: ; D: .