• 2022-05-26 问题

    Weshould______ourenergyandyouthtothedevelopmentofourcountry. A: dedicate B: eater C: ascribe D: cling

    Weshould______ourenergyandyouthtothedevelopmentofourcountry. A: dedicate B: eater C: ascribe D: cling

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Physical attractiveness is not an important ______ in some people' s opinion. A: ascribe B: attribute C: tribute D: trains

    Physical attractiveness is not an important ______ in some people' s opinion. A: ascribe B: attribute C: tribute D: trains

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    他在过去几年的确取得了不少成就。我们必须把他的成就归结于他的勤奋。(accomplish, ascribe… to)

    他在过去几年的确取得了不少成就。我们必须把他的成就归结于他的勤奋。(accomplish, ascribe… to)

  • 2022-07-25 问题

    Computers are smart enough to play chess or ________ speech, but a general theory of machine intelligence still remains beyond our reach. A: ascribe B: prescribe C: describe D: transcribe

    Computers are smart enough to play chess or ________ speech, but a general theory of machine intelligence still remains beyond our reach. A: ascribe B: prescribe C: describe D: transcribe

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    Read the following words and phrases with standard pronunciation and tone. (10 points in total )[br][/br]Ascribe;cradle;expedition;drought;guardian ;innovation;mediate;orthodox;[br][/br]Regime;speculate;turnover;reap;unfold;visualize;warfare;beforehand;ferry;oriental;volunteer;update

    Read the following words and phrases with standard pronunciation and tone. (10 points in total )[br][/br]Ascribe;cradle;expedition;drought;guardian ;innovation;mediate;orthodox;[br][/br]Regime;speculate;turnover;reap;unfold;visualize;warfare;beforehand;ferry;oriental;volunteer;update

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    lay it to? anunconsciousdesire not to hurt people." attributedsuch qualities to naïveté, humaneandselflessnature chief advocate for the rights of women and African-Americans; a mind like hers keeps right on stand on his own. ascribeto her The debt we owe to President Roosevelt is owed also to her." 3BI don't know how she did it. What to 1)____ Sincerity of purpose, simplicityof heart, 2____ At first some3)____ but as time passed, Roosevelt's4)____ won over thenaysayers. She was the White House's 5)____ her syndicated newspaper column, "My Day", was her platform from 1935 until her death in 1962. All the while, Eleanor had been a mother of six children. "We feel," said her daughter Anna, "that if you're that interested and energetic and have 6)____, you shouldn't be let down. I hope she 7)____ going the way she has." She was also a wife to a man who could not 8)____ "We must 9)____themarvelousfact," said Winston Churchill in 1948, "that acrippledman, victim of a cruel affliction, was able for more than ten years to ride the storms of peace and war at thesummitof the US. 10)____ lay it to? anunconsciousdesire not to hurt people." attributedsuch qualities to naïveté, humaneand selflessnature chief advocate for the rights of women and African-Americans; a mind like hers keeps right on stand on his own. ascribeto her [br][/br] 3B我不知道她是怎么做到的。这应该归功于什么呢?我想这是因为她用意真诚,心地单纯,从未想要去伤害别人。”一开始有人把这些品质归结于她的天真,但是随着时间的推移,罗斯福夫人仁慈而无私的性情使她争取到了众多反对者的支持。在白宫,她是妇女权利和黑人权利的头号倡导者;从1935年到1962年她去世,她创立的报纸联合专栏《我的一天》一直都是她活动的平台。与此同时,埃莉诺还是六个孩子的母亲。她的女儿安娜说:“我们觉得如果你有这么浓厚的兴趣,又精力充沛,还有她那样聪明的头脑,你一定不要气馁。我希望她能像现在这样一直不停地做下去。”另外,她还是一位贤妻,要照顾一个无法站立的丈夫。温斯顿•丘吉尔在1948年曾说过:“一个双腿残疾、恶疾缠身的人能够领导美国十多年,经受住战争年代和和平时期的风雨磨难。这个奇迹我们同时也要归功于罗斯福夫人,罗斯福总统的伟大功勋中有她的一半。” 注意,归因于:lay something to; attribute something to; 归功于:ascribe to somebody; 感谢某人:owe debt to somebody

    lay it to? anunconsciousdesire not to hurt people." attributedsuch qualities to naïveté, humaneandselflessnature chief advocate for the rights of women and African-Americans; a mind like hers keeps right on stand on his own. ascribeto her The debt we owe to President Roosevelt is owed also to her." 3BI don't know how she did it. What to 1)____ Sincerity of purpose, simplicityof heart, 2____ At first some3)____ but as time passed, Roosevelt's4)____ won over thenaysayers. She was the White House's 5)____ her syndicated newspaper column, "My Day", was her platform from 1935 until her death in 1962. All the while, Eleanor had been a mother of six children. "We feel," said her daughter Anna, "that if you're that interested and energetic and have 6)____, you shouldn't be let down. I hope she 7)____ going the way she has." She was also a wife to a man who could not 8)____ "We must 9)____themarvelousfact," said Winston Churchill in 1948, "that acrippledman, victim of a cruel affliction, was able for more than ten years to ride the storms of peace and war at thesummitof the US. 10)____ lay it to? anunconsciousdesire not to hurt people." attributedsuch qualities to naïveté, humaneand selflessnature chief advocate for the rights of women and African-Americans; a mind like hers keeps right on stand on his own. ascribeto her [br][/br] 3B我不知道她是怎么做到的。这应该归功于什么呢?我想这是因为她用意真诚,心地单纯,从未想要去伤害别人。”一开始有人把这些品质归结于她的天真,但是随着时间的推移,罗斯福夫人仁慈而无私的性情使她争取到了众多反对者的支持。在白宫,她是妇女权利和黑人权利的头号倡导者;从1935年到1962年她去世,她创立的报纸联合专栏《我的一天》一直都是她活动的平台。与此同时,埃莉诺还是六个孩子的母亲。她的女儿安娜说:“我们觉得如果你有这么浓厚的兴趣,又精力充沛,还有她那样聪明的头脑,你一定不要气馁。我希望她能像现在这样一直不停地做下去。”另外,她还是一位贤妻,要照顾一个无法站立的丈夫。温斯顿•丘吉尔在1948年曾说过:“一个双腿残疾、恶疾缠身的人能够领导美国十多年,经受住战争年代和和平时期的风雨磨难。这个奇迹我们同时也要归功于罗斯福夫人,罗斯福总统的伟大功勋中有她的一半。” 注意,归因于:lay something to; attribute something to; 归功于:ascribe to somebody; 感谢某人:owe debt to somebody

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