• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-19 问题

    It is the worst movie thatI ________ this year. A: see B: saw C: have seen D: had seen

    It is the worst movie thatI ________ this year. A: see B: saw C: have seen D: had seen

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Thepuzzle<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">was</span><spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">sodifficult</span>thatI<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">gaveupit</span><spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">intheend</span>. A: was B: sodifficult C: gaveupit D: intheend

    Thepuzzle<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">was</span><spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">sodifficult</span>thatI<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">gaveupit</span><spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">intheend</span>. A: was B: sodifficult C: gaveupit D: intheend

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    At last night’s party Larry said something thatI though was beyondme. The underlined part means______.(2013-68) A: I was unable to do B: I couldn’t understand C: I was unable to stop D: I couldn’t tolerate

    At last night’s party Larry said something thatI though was beyondme. The underlined part means______.(2013-68) A: I was unable to do B: I couldn’t understand C: I was unable to stop D: I couldn’t tolerate

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句) A: Soon came the orderthat all the people should obey the rules. B: It is a wonderthat the wounded soldier is still alive. C: Could you please tell mehow you use the new panel D: What I told him was thatI would find him a good play.

    Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句) A: Soon came the orderthat all the people should obey the rules. B: It is a wonderthat the wounded soldier is still alive. C: Could you please tell mehow you use the new panel D: What I told him was thatI would find him a good play.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    把括号里的中文翻译成英语,运用所给的英语词组提示。[br][/br] 任务一根据课文A中的词组进行翻译: 1. ___________ (时针hand) of the clock points to six. 2. After he finished reading the newspaper, he ___________ (将它扔了 throw away). 3. The names are arranged ___________ (按重要性大小顺序 in order of ...). 4. The young man believed he would win even ___________ (在面对困难时 in the face of ...). 5. They are ___________ (制订一个计划 work out / make) for tomorrow’s party. [br][/br] 任务二 根据以下语法知识进行翻译。[br][/br] 6. I call my parents every week ___________ (这样他们就不会为我担心 so that, worry about). 7. I get up early in the morning ___________ (这样可以做晨练 so that, do morning exercises). 8. John saved his money ___________ (这样他就可以买一辆玩具汽车 so that). 9. It rained a lot, ____ (这样我就不必给草坪浇水了 so that, it is ... for sb. to do sth, water the lawn). 10. The boy is so young ___________ (还不能自己一个人去上学 on one's own, by oneself, for oneself). 语法知识[br][/br] 目的状语从句与结果状语从句 目的状语从句通常由so(较口语化),so that,in order that等引导,表示特定的意图或目的。 英语中另一类状语从句,结果状语从句,与目的状语从句看上去非常相似,容易引起混淆。例如: (1) Jack was caught in a car accident,so thathe was late for the meeting. (2) The man hassomuch moneythathe can buy what he wanted. (3) There is little water in the glassthatI can’t drink any more. 表示结果状语的从句经常由so that,so ... that,that等词引导,如上面(1),(2),(3)分别所示。so … that结构只能表示“结果”,而so that结构既能表示“目的”也能表示“结果”。例如: (4)They aresohungrythatthey had to boil a pair of leather shoes in a pan and eat it. (结果) (5)He wrote down my address,so (that)he might remember it. (目的) (6)He wrote down my address,so (that)he remembered it after the meeting. (结果) so that结构中有情态动词则多半表示“目的”,如果没有,则多半表示“结果”。例如: I’m going to the lecture earlyso thatI’ll get a good seat. (目的) I went to the lecture early,so thatI got a good seat. (结果)

    把括号里的中文翻译成英语,运用所给的英语词组提示。[br][/br] 任务一根据课文A中的词组进行翻译: 1. ___________ (时针hand) of the clock points to six. 2. After he finished reading the newspaper, he ___________ (将它扔了 throw away). 3. The names are arranged ___________ (按重要性大小顺序 in order of ...). 4. The young man believed he would win even ___________ (在面对困难时 in the face of ...). 5. They are ___________ (制订一个计划 work out / make) for tomorrow’s party. [br][/br] 任务二 根据以下语法知识进行翻译。[br][/br] 6. I call my parents every week ___________ (这样他们就不会为我担心 so that, worry about). 7. I get up early in the morning ___________ (这样可以做晨练 so that, do morning exercises). 8. John saved his money ___________ (这样他就可以买一辆玩具汽车 so that). 9. It rained a lot, ____ (这样我就不必给草坪浇水了 so that, it is ... for sb. to do sth, water the lawn). 10. The boy is so young ___________ (还不能自己一个人去上学 on one's own, by oneself, for oneself). 语法知识[br][/br] 目的状语从句与结果状语从句 目的状语从句通常由so(较口语化),so that,in order that等引导,表示特定的意图或目的。 英语中另一类状语从句,结果状语从句,与目的状语从句看上去非常相似,容易引起混淆。例如: (1) Jack was caught in a car accident,so thathe was late for the meeting. (2) The man hassomuch moneythathe can buy what he wanted. (3) There is little water in the glassthatI can’t drink any more. 表示结果状语的从句经常由so that,so ... that,that等词引导,如上面(1),(2),(3)分别所示。so … that结构只能表示“结果”,而so that结构既能表示“目的”也能表示“结果”。例如: (4)They aresohungrythatthey had to boil a pair of leather shoes in a pan and eat it. (结果) (5)He wrote down my address,so (that)he might remember it. (目的) (6)He wrote down my address,so (that)he remembered it after the meeting. (结果) so that结构中有情态动词则多半表示“目的”,如果没有,则多半表示“结果”。例如: I’m going to the lecture earlyso thatI’ll get a good seat. (目的) I went to the lecture early,so thatI got a good seat. (结果)

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