Reports about the plight of places such as Maijieping have prompted renewed debate about how best to protect and preserve rural traditions and customs in a rapidly changing nation. ________ A. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发新的争议:在快速变化的中国,应该如何保护、保存乡村的传统和风俗。 B. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发了关于如何在快速变化的中国,保护、保存乡村的传统和风俗的新争议
Reports about the plight of places such as Maijieping have prompted renewed debate about how best to protect and preserve rural traditions and customs in a rapidly changing nation. ________ A. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发新的争议:在快速变化的中国,应该如何保护、保存乡村的传统和风俗。 B. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发了关于如何在快速变化的中国,保护、保存乡村的传统和风俗的新争议
【填空题】Choose the appropriate sentence translation from the two Chinese versions of each English sentence.(下面A、B两句哪个翻译更好,请选出更合适的答案。答案用字母A或B表示) 1. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. ________ A. 门口放着至少十二把五颜六色、大小不一的雨伞。 B. 门口放着一堆雨伞,至少有十二把,五颜六色、大小不一。 2. Reports about the plight of places such as Maijieping have prompted renewed debate about how best to protect and preserve rural traditions and customs in a rapidly changing nation. ________ A. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发新的争议:在快速变化的
【填空题】Choose the appropriate sentence translation from the two Chinese versions of each English sentence.(下面A、B两句哪个翻译更好,请选出更合适的答案。答案用字母A或B表示) 1. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. ________ A. 门口放着至少十二把五颜六色、大小不一的雨伞。 B. 门口放着一堆雨伞,至少有十二把,五颜六色、大小不一。 2. Reports about the plight of places such as Maijieping have prompted renewed debate about how best to protect and preserve rural traditions and customs in a rapidly changing nation. ________ A. 有关脉结坪这类村落困境的报道再一次引发新的争议:在快速变化的