• 2022-06-07
    Content validity is based on showing that the scores on the test are related to job performance.
  • 错误


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      With respect to reporting investment results, Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) require a minimum of: A: three years of historical performance. B: ten years of historical performance. C: five years of historical performance.

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      The major drawback ofusing historical results for judging current performance is that inefficienciesmay be concealed in the past performance.

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      Public speaking is a performance, so you should try your best to give the perfect performance.

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      An employee's response to job demands that are novel, unusual, or unpredictable is known as: A: job withdrawal. B: adaptive task performance. C: counterproductive behavior. D: routine task performance. E: citizenship<br/>behavior.

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      Students who apply to ______________ schools can choose whether they want to include test scores in their 5.applications.