感情色彩是词语对客观事物表示感情和态度的附加意义,大致可以分为褒义、中性和贬义这三种色彩。英汉两种语言中某些基本意义对应的词语往往所传达的感情色彩并不一致,如“劳动”在汉语中有光荣高尚的色彩,而在英语中“labor”这个词却含有艰苦、令人不愉快的含义。下列四句英译汉,请选择正确把握感情色彩的翻译: A: Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times. 很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。 B: Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.他虽然很年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。 C: They incited him to go into further investigation. 他们煽动他做进一步的调查。 D: These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world.这些属于世界上最尖端的武器。
感情色彩是词语对客观事物表示感情和态度的附加意义,大致可以分为褒义、中性和贬义这三种色彩。英汉两种语言中某些基本意义对应的词语往往所传达的感情色彩并不一致,如“劳动”在汉语中有光荣高尚的色彩,而在英语中“labor”这个词却含有艰苦、令人不愉快的含义。下列四句英译汉,请选择正确把握感情色彩的翻译: A: Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times. 很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。 B: Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.他虽然很年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。 C: They incited him to go into further investigation. 他们煽动他做进一步的调查。 D: These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world.这些属于世界上最尖端的武器。