Around May Fourt Movement, translators took a domestication strategy and exercised much liscence in translating the works. ( )
Around May Fourt Movement, translators took a domestication strategy and exercised much liscence in translating the works. ( )
In translating onomatopoetic words, what translation methods can be used? ( ) A: amplification B: omission C: foreignization D: domestication
In translating onomatopoetic words, what translation methods can be used? ( ) A: amplification B: omission C: foreignization D: domestication
10. “归化”和“异化”这对翻译术语是由美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出来的。他在这本书中,追溯了两种翻译理论和策略的由来与发展,即以通顺和“本土化” 为目标的______和以“非本土化”为目标的______。 A: 异化法(foreignization)、归化法(domestication) B: 归化法(domestication)、异化法(foreignization) C: 异化法(domestication)、归化法(foreignization) D: 归化法(foreignization)、异化法(domestication)
10. “归化”和“异化”这对翻译术语是由美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出来的。他在这本书中,追溯了两种翻译理论和策略的由来与发展,即以通顺和“本土化” 为目标的______和以“非本土化”为目标的______。 A: 异化法(foreignization)、归化法(domestication) B: 归化法(domestication)、异化法(foreignization) C: 异化法(domestication)、归化法(foreignization) D: 归化法(foreignization)、异化法(domestication)
“Pigs can fly.” 译为“猪都会飞”使用的翻译策略是 。 A: Domestication B: Foreignization C: Transliteration D: Literal Translation
“Pigs can fly.” 译为“猪都会飞”使用的翻译策略是 。 A: Domestication B: Foreignization C: Transliteration D: Literal Translation
_____________ means to translate the source language text into target language by following its literal meaning and structure. A: Free translation B: Transliteration C: Literal translation D: Domestication
_____________ means to translate the source language text into target language by following its literal meaning and structure. A: Free translation B: Transliteration C: Literal translation D: Domestication
With respect to political risk that can be faced by a company seeking to invest abroad, which of the following is most severe? A: Confiscation B: Expropriation C: Domestication D: Local-content laws
With respect to political risk that can be faced by a company seeking to invest abroad, which of the following is most severe? A: Confiscation B: Expropriation C: Domestication D: Local-content laws
It is the author's view that in human civilization, agriculture ______. A: is the most important step man has ever made B: is only less important than the domestication of animals C: and fire are of the same importance D: can be ranked in importance with the invention of machines
It is the author's view that in human civilization, agriculture ______. A: is the most important step man has ever made B: is only less important than the domestication of animals C: and fire are of the same importance D: can be ranked in importance with the invention of machines
Chinese-English Translation.(武汉理工大学2009研,考试科目:基础英语) 翻译中的所谓“异化”(alienation)和“归化”(domestication),是以译者所选的文化立场为基本点来加以区分的。前者主要以原语文化为门属,强调译文要有“异”于目的语,后者主要以目的语文化为门属,强调译文要同化于目的语。它们在翻译中的可信性取决于翻译的目的、读者的需求、文化间相互依赖的程度等,具有各自的价值和不可取代性。“异化”和“归化”的矛盾实际上就是我国翻译界长期以来的直译派与意译派之争,这一对概念有相互重叠的一面,如归化和意译都指译文通顺,符合译人语的语法规则等。异化和直译都追求与原作的“等值”(equivalent effect),尊重源语的语法规范。但归化和异化更加强调文化因素,它所涉及的主要是文化立场问题,直译、意译则侧重语言操作问题。随着国际文化交流的扩大和加深,翻译中的“异化”和“归化”处于相对的、动态的概念,无论是在理论探讨还是在翻译实践上,都将需要正视和探讨。
Chinese-English Translation.(武汉理工大学2009研,考试科目:基础英语) 翻译中的所谓“异化”(alienation)和“归化”(domestication),是以译者所选的文化立场为基本点来加以区分的。前者主要以原语文化为门属,强调译文要有“异”于目的语,后者主要以目的语文化为门属,强调译文要同化于目的语。它们在翻译中的可信性取决于翻译的目的、读者的需求、文化间相互依赖的程度等,具有各自的价值和不可取代性。“异化”和“归化”的矛盾实际上就是我国翻译界长期以来的直译派与意译派之争,这一对概念有相互重叠的一面,如归化和意译都指译文通顺,符合译人语的语法规则等。异化和直译都追求与原作的“等值”(equivalent effect),尊重源语的语法规范。但归化和异化更加强调文化因素,它所涉及的主要是文化立场问题,直译、意译则侧重语言操作问题。随着国际文化交流的扩大和加深,翻译中的“异化”和“归化”处于相对的、动态的概念,无论是在理论探讨还是在翻译实践上,都将需要正视和探讨。