• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: Task: Read the article about a kind of fitness training called HIIT. Then choose the best explanations for some of the words and expressions. HIIT: Is the fitness scenes biggest fad doing more harm than good?1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been the darling of the fitness scene for a few years now. Fundamentally, itinvolves repetitions of short bursts of intense, maximal effort exercise; usually for anywhere between 20 to 40 seconds.2. The theory behind HIIT is very appealing. By working out at your top level of exertion, you burn more calories in a short space of time than other workouts. Whats more, studies show that your metabolism stays in a heightened state for up to 24 hours after youve finished. And in practice, HIIT can have impressive results. Its an effective tool for increasing cardiovascular fitness, sculpting your physique and increasing metabolic rate. Hence why HIIT classes are popping up all over the place. People have become accustomed to turning up to a class with loud music and dark lighting,just like a night club – and leaving in the same state: barely able to walk.3. However ... I have a big bone to pick with HIIT, which is that theres often no focus on form or technique in these classes, even though its nowprescribed as the go-to form of exercise for everyone. Instead, the measure of a good HIIT sessions seems to be how destroyed you feel after a class. Its inevitable that problems arise from this all pain for gain approach.4. One issue is simply that people are doing workouts that theyre not conditioned for.There is no emphasis on flexibility, mobility or activation in manyHIIT classes; yet all are incredibly important in keeping the body fit and healthy as you age.5. Whats more, I regularly see people “smashing” multiple HIIT classes a day, 5-6 days per week. HIIT should not be done more than three times per week (at most), because it is so strenuous. It puts an incredible strain on your nervous system, joints and muscles; especially if you are overweight and unfit.6. The HIIT approach to exercise has gone OTT. Its enteringunsustainable territory.7. HIIT’s rise in popularity is symptomatic of what is wrong with the fitness industry as a whole: a brazen disregard of the fundamentals, and a detrimental “one size fits all” mentality. Having trained 100s of clients in my fiveyears as a personal trainer, the biggest issues most people have are a lack of flexibility, mobility and core strength, on top of muscle activation issues. All of the above can lead to chronic injuries and are further exacerbated by HIIT.8. My belief is that everyone should try to train like athletes do. I don’t mean the same training frequency and intensity as athletes, I mean the mentality and the approach. Having trained as a competitive sprinter for fouryears, I learned to take every aspect of my life into account: sleep, rest days, nutrition and weaknesses. I learnt to listen to my body. Some days I would wake up feeling tired and fatigued, so on those days I wouldn’t train hard.I would do something less intense and focus on recovery.9. Remember: burning calories isnt the be all and end all of fitness and good health. Yes, HIIT may burn more calories than any other form of exercise, but its no use if it leads to injury or illness.Overtraining is a real danger:it can ruin your immune system, cause insomnia, affect your appetite and release cortisol, which in turn can make you more likely to put on fat. ********************************************What does the word “fad” in the title probably mean?
  • Craze.



    • 0

      ---I am sorry I didn't do a good job.---Never mind, ____ you have tried your best. A: Above all B: In all C: At all D: After all

    • 1

      Yeah, I think it does. I think as you get older, you become, probably, a bit more intolerant of certain, sort of, 1) behavior and, as, when you’re younger you’re probably not as 2) it. I think the order people, er, definitely 3) manners, good behavior and good 4) . I suppose so. I suppose we learn how to be more 5) of it. Um, we can be, probably, more short-tempered of it because we’ve probably had it all of our lives and we want it to, sort of, 6) , but I think we learn how to, sort of, either 7) from it or ignore it, that sort of things. It becomes more important as you get older. You have to 8) more people, therefore, be more polite.

    • 2

      What qualities do you need to run a large company effectively? For me there are three simple qualities that cut across all requirements, and those are 1 , 2 and empathy. What business leaders do you admire and why? I think they’re probably the ones who have had a great 3 and have seen it through to fruition. As a leader, how do you motive your employees? I think my job is to make sure the company has a 4 . People like to work for a company that has a reason for being, that they can 5 with and feel good about. I have to 6 well with them everything that’s going on in a clear way. Do you think leaders are born or made? I think it’s probably a bit of 7 . I would have to say, mostly it’s made, but you have to use what you’re 8 .

    • 3

      A. find out B. mapped out C. stay out D. stay out of E. worked out F. work it outA: Have you 1)____________ your weekly calendar?B: Well, I’m still working on it. But, do I have to?A: If you want to 2) ________________ troubles likefailing exams,you’d better manage your time well in the beginning.B: Actually, I don’t think I can3) ________________.A: What’s up? B: I just have no clue. It seems like there’re so manythings to do.A: Well, first, you need to4) ______________what is the mostimportant thing.B: Study, I guess. We have a lot of classes thissemester. A: Then, mark all the class hours on the calendar.B: All right.A: Then, set some time for reviewing notes and doinghomeworkforeach lecture.B: You mean after-class study?A: Yes. Once you have5) ______________your study, you willfigure out when you can put in some personal activities.B: Sure. I’ve got to leave some time for basketball,movies andhanging out.A: Of course, especially for the weekend. But don’t6)________late.

    • 4

      Hello everyone, I’m so sorry I can’t be with you tonight. However, I couldn’t completely miss the 1.___ to take a moment to share some 2.____ with all of you. The lesson I cherished most is how 3.____ is to love what you do. If you love what you do, it is making you happy. All the hard work and perseverance will 4.____. When you know you are truly giving it your all, there is no 5. ___ ___ in the world. I once had a guidance counselor tell me that I shouldn’t play basketball. That would never amount anything for me. You know what? Much to your 6.___, I took that counselor’s advice. I took it and I use it to be the best basketball player I could be. His 7.___towards me made me stronger. You can’t stop people from trying to limit your dreams but you can’t stop it from becoming a 8.____. Your dreams are up to you. I 9._____ you to always be 10._____, always seek out things you love, and always 11.____ once you find it. So with that, I’ll let you 12.____ with your evening. Please know I’m thinking of you, 13.____ you and encouraging you always, PEACE.