• 2022-06-06 问题

    The consensus of opinion on the basic fundamentals created the shortest meeting of the year.

    The consensus of opinion on the basic fundamentals created the shortest meeting of the year.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    For which of the following molecules would you expect the infrared active fundamentals to be Raman inactive and vice versa? ( ) A: NO2 B: fluorobenzene C: benzene D: fluoroethene

    For which of the following molecules would you expect the infrared active fundamentals to be Raman inactive and vice versa? ( ) A: NO2 B: fluorobenzene C: benzene D: fluoroethene

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the following is NOT part of a country's "economic fundamentals"? A: the amount of speculation conducted with a nation's currency B: policies pursued by the nation's government C: the national currency's exchange rate D: policies pursued by the nation's central bank

    Which of the following is NOT part of a country's "economic fundamentals"? A: the amount of speculation conducted with a nation's currency B: policies pursued by the nation's government C: the national currency's exchange rate D: policies pursued by the nation's central bank

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    请同学们在3月16日18:00之前完成本次作业。具体要求如下: 1. 以下三篇均为科普类文章,请将它们翻译成汉语时,一方面要注意有关表达符合行业领域规范,另一方面要注意整篇译文的可读性。 2. 同学们无论是自己翻译,还是借助于百度翻译、有道翻译、谷歌翻译等,一定要对初稿对辨别,对于表达的表达予以更正。以百度翻译为例,它不可能翻译得离谱,同学们看到百度翻译可能挺好的。但即使有一处需要你修改,对于你个人来说都是一次考验和提高。不要错过提高自己翻译能力的机会! 第一篇 The e-commerce experience will be more personalized. While this has been a buzzword for decades, the next wave of personalization will predict consumers’ needs better. Each individual will get a different experience based on geography, searching history, past behavior, etc. When you walk into a store, an experienced salesperson can intuit a lot about you. The future of e-commerce will use technology to do the same thing with smarter technology providing a better experience. 第二篇 AI tutors can teach students fundamentals of mathematics and writing, but so far aren’t ideal for helping students learn creativity, something that real-world teachers are still required to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t rule out the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these things in the future. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, advanced AI tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream. The future could see more students being tutored by AI tutors. 第三篇 5G is a wireless connection built specifically to keep up with the proliferation of devices that need a mobile internet connection. It’s not just your phone and your computer anymore. Home appliances, door locks, security cameras, cars, wearables and so on are beginning to connect to the web. It is predicted that 20.8 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. There will be a lot more devices asking for a quick connection.

    请同学们在3月16日18:00之前完成本次作业。具体要求如下: 1. 以下三篇均为科普类文章,请将它们翻译成汉语时,一方面要注意有关表达符合行业领域规范,另一方面要注意整篇译文的可读性。 2. 同学们无论是自己翻译,还是借助于百度翻译、有道翻译、谷歌翻译等,一定要对初稿对辨别,对于表达的表达予以更正。以百度翻译为例,它不可能翻译得离谱,同学们看到百度翻译可能挺好的。但即使有一处需要你修改,对于你个人来说都是一次考验和提高。不要错过提高自己翻译能力的机会! 第一篇 The e-commerce experience will be more personalized. While this has been a buzzword for decades, the next wave of personalization will predict consumers’ needs better. Each individual will get a different experience based on geography, searching history, past behavior, etc. When you walk into a store, an experienced salesperson can intuit a lot about you. The future of e-commerce will use technology to do the same thing with smarter technology providing a better experience. 第二篇 AI tutors can teach students fundamentals of mathematics and writing, but so far aren’t ideal for helping students learn creativity, something that real-world teachers are still required to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t rule out the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these things in the future. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, advanced AI tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream. The future could see more students being tutored by AI tutors. 第三篇 5G is a wireless connection built specifically to keep up with the proliferation of devices that need a mobile internet connection. It’s not just your phone and your computer anymore. Home appliances, door locks, security cameras, cars, wearables and so on are beginning to connect to the web. It is predicted that 20.8 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. There will be a lot more devices asking for a quick connection.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Task: Read the article about a kind of fitness training called HIIT. Then choose the best explanations for some of the words and expressions. HIIT: Is the fitness scenes biggest fad doing more harm than good?1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been the darling of the fitness scene for a few years now. Fundamentally, itinvolves repetitions of short bursts of intense, maximal effort exercise; usually for anywhere between 20 to 40 seconds.2. The theory behind HIIT is very appealing. By working out at your top level of exertion, you burn more calories in a short space of time than other workouts. Whats more, studies show that your metabolism stays in a heightened state for up to 24 hours after youve finished. And in practice, HIIT can have impressive results. Its an effective tool for increasing cardiovascular fitness, sculpting your physique and increasing metabolic rate. Hence why HIIT classes are popping up all over the place. People have become accustomed to turning up to a class with loud music and dark lighting,just like a night club – and leaving in the same state: barely able to walk.3. However ... I have a big bone to pick with HIIT, which is that theres often no focus on form or technique in these classes, even though its nowprescribed as the go-to form of exercise for everyone. Instead, the measure of a good HIIT sessions seems to be how destroyed you feel after a class. Its inevitable that problems arise from this all pain for gain approach.4. One issue is simply that people are doing workouts that theyre not conditioned for.There is no emphasis on flexibility, mobility or activation in manyHIIT classes; yet all are incredibly important in keeping the body fit and healthy as you age.5. Whats more, I regularly see people “smashing” multiple HIIT classes a day, 5-6 days per week. HIIT should not be done more than three times per week (at most), because it is so strenuous. It puts an incredible strain on your nervous system, joints and muscles; especially if you are overweight and unfit.6. The HIIT approach to exercise has gone OTT. Its enteringunsustainable territory.7. HIIT’s rise in popularity is symptomatic of what is wrong with the fitness industry as a whole: a brazen disregard of the fundamentals, and a detrimental “one size fits all” mentality. Having trained 100s of clients in my fiveyears as a personal trainer, the biggest issues most people have are a lack of flexibility, mobility and core strength, on top of muscle activation issues. All of the above can lead to chronic injuries and are further exacerbated by HIIT.8. My belief is that everyone should try to train like athletes do. I don’t mean the same training frequency and intensity as athletes, I mean the mentality and the approach. Having trained as a competitive sprinter for fouryears, I learned to take every aspect of my life into account: sleep, rest days, nutrition and weaknesses. I learnt to listen to my body. Some days I would wake up feeling tired and fatigued, so on those days I wouldn’t train hard.I would do something less intense and focus on recovery.9. Remember: burning calories isnt the be all and end all of fitness and good health. Yes, HIIT may burn more calories than any other form of exercise, but its no use if it leads to injury or illness.Overtraining is a real danger:it can ruin your immune system, cause insomnia, affect your appetite and release cortisol, which in turn can make you more likely to put on fat. ********************************************What does the word “fad” in the title probably mean?

    中国大学MOOC: Task: Read the article about a kind of fitness training called HIIT. Then choose the best explanations for some of the words and expressions. HIIT: Is the fitness scenes biggest fad doing more harm than good?1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been the darling of the fitness scene for a few years now. Fundamentally, itinvolves repetitions of short bursts of intense, maximal effort exercise; usually for anywhere between 20 to 40 seconds.2. The theory behind HIIT is very appealing. By working out at your top level of exertion, you burn more calories in a short space of time than other workouts. Whats more, studies show that your metabolism stays in a heightened state for up to 24 hours after youve finished. And in practice, HIIT can have impressive results. Its an effective tool for increasing cardiovascular fitness, sculpting your physique and increasing metabolic rate. Hence why HIIT classes are popping up all over the place. People have become accustomed to turning up to a class with loud music and dark lighting,just like a night club – and leaving in the same state: barely able to walk.3. However ... I have a big bone to pick with HIIT, which is that theres often no focus on form or technique in these classes, even though its nowprescribed as the go-to form of exercise for everyone. Instead, the measure of a good HIIT sessions seems to be how destroyed you feel after a class. Its inevitable that problems arise from this all pain for gain approach.4. One issue is simply that people are doing workouts that theyre not conditioned for.There is no emphasis on flexibility, mobility or activation in manyHIIT classes; yet all are incredibly important in keeping the body fit and healthy as you age.5. Whats more, I regularly see people “smashing” multiple HIIT classes a day, 5-6 days per week. HIIT should not be done more than three times per week (at most), because it is so strenuous. It puts an incredible strain on your nervous system, joints and muscles; especially if you are overweight and unfit.6. The HIIT approach to exercise has gone OTT. Its enteringunsustainable territory.7. HIIT’s rise in popularity is symptomatic of what is wrong with the fitness industry as a whole: a brazen disregard of the fundamentals, and a detrimental “one size fits all” mentality. Having trained 100s of clients in my fiveyears as a personal trainer, the biggest issues most people have are a lack of flexibility, mobility and core strength, on top of muscle activation issues. All of the above can lead to chronic injuries and are further exacerbated by HIIT.8. My belief is that everyone should try to train like athletes do. I don’t mean the same training frequency and intensity as athletes, I mean the mentality and the approach. Having trained as a competitive sprinter for fouryears, I learned to take every aspect of my life into account: sleep, rest days, nutrition and weaknesses. I learnt to listen to my body. Some days I would wake up feeling tired and fatigued, so on those days I wouldn’t train hard.I would do something less intense and focus on recovery.9. Remember: burning calories isnt the be all and end all of fitness and good health. Yes, HIIT may burn more calories than any other form of exercise, but its no use if it leads to injury or illness.Overtraining is a real danger:it can ruin your immune system, cause insomnia, affect your appetite and release cortisol, which in turn can make you more likely to put on fat. ********************************************What does the word “fad” in the title probably mean?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    1. much he wanted to give her a helping hand, she could not bring herself to accept it.无论他多想帮她一把,她都不愿接受。2. He failed to his plans for the future in his email.他邮件中没提到对将来的打算。3. We set out to find the truth behind the .我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。4. If we allow these morning hours of life to , we shall never be able to recoup the loss.如果我们让清晨这段时光轻易消逝,损失将永远无法弥补。5. With new research, scientists have gained a deeper into the process of aging.新的研究使科学家对衰老的过程有了更深的理解。6. When I work with clients, I notice that the fundamentals are not always understood.和客户在一起的时候,我不可避免地发现一些基础性的东西尚未被理解。7. Reading in dim light can your eyes.昏暗光线下阅读有损视力。8. What I do not wish done to me, Iwish not to do to others.己所不欲勿施于人。9. It was the first time Jane and I had been for more than a few days.这是我和简第一次离别这么多日。10. Starting tomorrow and for the next six weeks, Jerry and I will be on an vacation.从明天开始,接下来的六周我和杰里要去度长假。11. The two sides can work together for benefit.双方可以互惠合作。12. In general, you to get back what you give from the world around you.一般而言,你给出什么,就会从周遭世界收获什么。13. I don’t want to do anything that will me in a long-term commitment.需要长期付出的事我不愿做。14. How long have you been Janie?你跟简妮约会多久了?15. No other organization was able or willing to the job.没有别的组织能够或愿意承担这事。16. He was eager to participate in the new .新的项目令他跃跃欲试。17. Some of the most efficient refrigerators 70 percent less electricity than the old models.能效最高的冰箱电耗比旧型号减少70%。18. He is a teacher full of .他是个充满激情的老师。19. Why do you time and energy in something that does not promise good returns?没有好的回报你干吗还要费时费力?20. Our flight was delayed traffic congestion in the air.由于空中交通拥挤,我们的航班延误了。21. We can any difficulty, however great it is.无论困难多大我们都能克服。22. I am sure they will not me.我相信他们不会背叛我。23. I thought my date was with Sally, but I her twin sister.我以为是在跟萨利约会,结果是跟她的双胞胎妹妹约会。24. Karen would love to see us, she can’t get out of her prior commitment.凯伦很想见到我们,可她有约在先脱不了身。25. In that case, we must stay together or none of us will .既然如此,我们就得同心协力,要不谁都活不了。26. He gives too much to his career, working long hours, so that he his own health.他一心扑在工作上,长时间加班,忽视了健康。27. Students to a good learning environment are bound to make quick progress.在良好的学习环境里学生一定进步快。28. These regulations everyone, without exception.这些规定人人都要遵守,无一例外。29. He never amaze me.他总是令我惊喜。30. teaching, this school is very good.要论教学,这个学校真是好。31. The plant in such a climate.这种植物在这样的气候条件下长势茂盛。32. The government did everything to the economy.政府想方设法振兴经济。33. I just did it .我是独自完成的。34. Bicycling is a good exercise; , it does not pollute the air.骑自行车是很好的运动,而且不污染空气。35. To my surprise, she from the big disappointment.她遭受重大挫败后迅速恢复,让我大跌眼镜。36. He survived the accident even without being .他从事故中幸存,而且毫发无损

    1. much he wanted to give her a helping hand, she could not bring herself to accept it.无论他多想帮她一把,她都不愿接受。2. He failed to his plans for the future in his email.他邮件中没提到对将来的打算。3. We set out to find the truth behind the .我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。4. If we allow these morning hours of life to , we shall never be able to recoup the loss.如果我们让清晨这段时光轻易消逝,损失将永远无法弥补。5. With new research, scientists have gained a deeper into the process of aging.新的研究使科学家对衰老的过程有了更深的理解。6. When I work with clients, I notice that the fundamentals are not always understood.和客户在一起的时候,我不可避免地发现一些基础性的东西尚未被理解。7. Reading in dim light can your eyes.昏暗光线下阅读有损视力。8. What I do not wish done to me, Iwish not to do to others.己所不欲勿施于人。9. It was the first time Jane and I had been for more than a few days.这是我和简第一次离别这么多日。10. Starting tomorrow and for the next six weeks, Jerry and I will be on an vacation.从明天开始,接下来的六周我和杰里要去度长假。11. The two sides can work together for benefit.双方可以互惠合作。12. In general, you to get back what you give from the world around you.一般而言,你给出什么,就会从周遭世界收获什么。13. I don’t want to do anything that will me in a long-term commitment.需要长期付出的事我不愿做。14. How long have you been Janie?你跟简妮约会多久了?15. No other organization was able or willing to the job.没有别的组织能够或愿意承担这事。16. He was eager to participate in the new .新的项目令他跃跃欲试。17. Some of the most efficient refrigerators 70 percent less electricity than the old models.能效最高的冰箱电耗比旧型号减少70%。18. He is a teacher full of .他是个充满激情的老师。19. Why do you time and energy in something that does not promise good returns?没有好的回报你干吗还要费时费力?20. Our flight was delayed traffic congestion in the air.由于空中交通拥挤,我们的航班延误了。21. We can any difficulty, however great it is.无论困难多大我们都能克服。22. I am sure they will not me.我相信他们不会背叛我。23. I thought my date was with Sally, but I her twin sister.我以为是在跟萨利约会,结果是跟她的双胞胎妹妹约会。24. Karen would love to see us, she can’t get out of her prior commitment.凯伦很想见到我们,可她有约在先脱不了身。25. In that case, we must stay together or none of us will .既然如此,我们就得同心协力,要不谁都活不了。26. He gives too much to his career, working long hours, so that he his own health.他一心扑在工作上,长时间加班,忽视了健康。27. Students to a good learning environment are bound to make quick progress.在良好的学习环境里学生一定进步快。28. These regulations everyone, without exception.这些规定人人都要遵守,无一例外。29. He never amaze me.他总是令我惊喜。30. teaching, this school is very good.要论教学,这个学校真是好。31. The plant in such a climate.这种植物在这样的气候条件下长势茂盛。32. The government did everything to the economy.政府想方设法振兴经济。33. I just did it .我是独自完成的。34. Bicycling is a good exercise; , it does not pollute the air.骑自行车是很好的运动,而且不污染空气。35. To my surprise, she from the big disappointment.她遭受重大挫败后迅速恢复,让我大跌眼镜。36. He survived the accident even without being .他从事故中幸存,而且毫发无损

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