• 2021-04-14 问题

    Read the sentences in English. Then choose the most appropriate translation.The burden fell most heavily on these people.

    Read the sentences in English. Then choose the most appropriate translation.The burden fell most heavily on these people.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The six levels of health technology assessment policy translation include: academic translation, nominal translation, cognitive translation, reference translation, adoption translation and application translation. Among them, which level is to pass the research results to relevant decision makers? A: Academic translation B: Nominal translation C: Cognitive translation D: Reference translation E: Adoption translation

    The six levels of health technology assessment policy translation include: academic translation, nominal translation, cognitive translation, reference translation, adoption translation and application translation. Among them, which level is to pass the research results to relevant decision makers? A: Academic translation B: Nominal translation C: Cognitive translation D: Reference translation E: Adoption translation

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    1.2 What is Translation?From different types of translation, translation can be divided into____ A: literary translation B: nonfiction translation

    1.2 What is Translation?From different types of translation, translation can be divided into____ A: literary translation B: nonfiction translation

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Which of the following translation methods is the closest to the target language readers A: word-for-word translation B: semantic translation C: faithful translation D: communicative translation

    Which of the following translation methods is the closest to the target language readers A: word-for-word translation B: semantic translation C: faithful translation D: communicative translation

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    201806A Translation Directions: After each sentence, you will read three choices of suggested translation marked A), B) and C). You should choose the best translation.The agreement will come into force on the date when it is approved by the board of the company and it will continue for five years. A: 本协议5年期限已满,经全体董事投票后可适当延期。 B: 本协议需得到董事会批准方可生效,有效期最多五年。 C: 本协议自公司董事会批准之日起生效,并将延续五年。

    201806A Translation Directions: After each sentence, you will read three choices of suggested translation marked A), B) and C). You should choose the best translation.The agreement will come into force on the date when it is approved by the board of the company and it will continue for five years. A: 本协议5年期限已满,经全体董事投票后可适当延期。 B: 本协议需得到董事会批准方可生效,有效期最多五年。 C: 本协议自公司董事会批准之日起生效,并将延续五年。

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What does the word “translation” mean in the sentence “I want to improve my translation”? A: The translation ability. B: The translation product. C: The translation activity. D: All of the above.

    What does the word “translation” mean in the sentence “I want to improve my translation”? A: The translation ability. B: The translation product. C: The translation activity. D: All of the above.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the following translation is an example of literal translation?

    Which of the following translation is an example of literal translation?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Translation strategies and translation techniques are different concepts in translation.

    Translation strategies and translation techniques are different concepts in translation.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The relationship between literal translation and free translation is contradictory.

    The relationship between literal translation and free translation is contradictory.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Postcolonial translation illustrates that in many cases a translation is not only a text but an act, where the ____________ of the translation can be as important as the product of translation.

    Postcolonial translation illustrates that in many cases a translation is not only a text but an act, where the ____________ of the translation can be as important as the product of translation.

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